Why You Should Choose San Diego Over LA and San Francisco

Why You Should Choose San Diego Over LA and San Francisco

Currently interning at CEL Downtown, I've cherished the diverse friendships and learning opportunities, affirming CEL as California's top language school. From Santa Monica to San Diego, my journey embodies the essence of the West Coast.

May 21, 2024
minute read

Hi! My name is Sung Ju, and I was a student at CELSanta Monica. I am currently doing an internship here at CEL Downtown as a kindof government scholarship program. I’m thoroughly satisfied with my work, as Ihave the opportunity to make friends from various countries and learn new taskssimultaneously. I believe CEL is the best language school for those who want toexperience the charm of California. Let me tell you about my travelogue duringmy period of studying and interning.

I was a student at CEL Santa Monica for 2 months,and this is my third month of doing an internship at CEL Downtown. I lived inSawtelle, which is only a 25-minute bus ride away from CEL Santa Monica.Compared to CEL Downtown, it is smaller but more friendly because I could befriends with everyone there. That’s why I was always busy hanging out with manyfriends there and I still keep in touch with them. My teacher, Ray, was areally good teacher. He made a birthday cake on his own if there is a student’sbirthday. I think I could easily get adjusted there because of good teachersand friends there. During this time, I was able to visit many places inCalifornia due to the advantageous location of Los Angeles. As you know, LosAngeles is the center of California. I could enjoy 100% of California, not onlythe activities that CEL offers to students in LA but also Las Vegas, the GrandCanyon, and Joshua Tree National Park during weekends with my friends. 

Now, during my internship in San Diego, I can enjoythe advantages of San Diego's location as well. I could explore not onlyCalifornia but also Tijuana, Mexico. Especially, my trip to San Francisco thistime was truly amazing. San Francisco was a place I really wanted to visitbefore leaving the USA because it's a high-tech city that has Silicon Valley. Ihave many fond memories there because I could feel a new vibe while exploringthe Golden Gate Bridge, Palace of Fine Arts, Painted Ladies, Sausalito, andmore. San Francisco had a completely different vibe from the iconic atmosphereof LA and the relaxed ambiance of San Diego. During my 4-day stay, I felt likeSan Francisco was a city positioned somewhere between New York and LA. If youhave a plan to visit San Franciso, I recommend you to try “Tartin Bakery” whichis just located in San Francisco. You have to go early in the morning to tastefamous and unique menu there because I had a limitation of choosing menu when Iarrive there at 1PM. I recommend banana cream tart there. San Diego is thefinest city and my famous city. I can feel the warm California sun and chillout surrounded by many oceans. It is not only me who is fulfilling their hopeto feel the California vibe. You will not regret studying at CEL because youcan truly enjoy the western part of the USA.

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