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Course Options

At CEL, we offer a variety of English courses to meet your language-learning needs. Whether you want to improve your English, business communication, or prepare for an exam, we have the right course for you.

Dedicated and Experienced


Our teachers are committed to helping students succeed by providing high-quality English language education.



At our school, we are committed to providing high-quality English classes to our students. That's why we keep our class sizes small, with an average of 7 students (maximum of 12) per class.


Nationality mix

In our classes, we have a diverse mix of nationalities, with students from all over the world.


our courses are

accredited by

Our teachers are committed to helping students succeed by providing high-quality English language education.




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Road to



basic a

·  A1
·  General English
·  One-to-One

Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases related to meeting concrete needs.

Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details.

Can interact in a simple way as long as the other person talks slowly and repeats or helps as needed.


basic B

·  A2
·  General English
·  One-to-One

Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to familiar and everyday situations.

Can communicate in simple and routine tasks and exchanges of direct information.

Can discuss topics in simple terms about their background, immediate environment, andother matters in order to satisfy basic needs.

lower intermediate

intermediate a

·  B1, TOEFL 42 - 72, IELTS 4.0 - 5.0
·  General English
·  One-to-One

Can understand the main points and some details on familiar matters such as school, work, leisure, etc.

Can deal with most frequently encountered situations while traveling.

Can produce simple, straight forward dialogues about famniliar topics and personal interests.

upper intermediate

intermediate  B

·  B2, TOEFL 72 - 94, IELTS 5.5 - 6.5
·  General English
·  One-to-One
·  Cambridge FCE

Can understand the main ideas of complex comrunications for a wide variety of topics, including technical or specialized ones.

Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes communication with native speakers possible without causing strain for either party.

Can produce clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects and present arguments as well as give explanations of viewpoints, offering supporting details and advantages and disadvantages.


advanced a

·  C1, TOEFL 95 - 109, IELTS 6.5 - 8.0
·  General English
·  One-to-One
·  Cambridge CAE

Can understand a wide range of long and complex texts and recognize implicit meanings.

Can express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.

Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes.

Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns. transitional phrases, and cohesi-ve devices.



·  C2, TOEFL 110 - 120, IELTS 8.0 - 9.0
·  General English
·  One-to-One

Can understand with ease almost everything heard or read.

Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accountsin a coherent presentation.

Can express ideas spontaneously, fluently, and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.


basic a

·  A1
·  General English
·  One-to-One

Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases related-to meeting concrete needs.

Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details.

Can interact in a simple way as long as the other person talks slowly and repeats or helps as needed.


basic B

·  A2
·  General English
·  One-to-One

Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to familiar and everyday situations.

Can communicate in simple and routine tasks and exchanges of direct information.

Can discuss topics in simple terms about their background, immediate environment, andother matters in order to satisfy basic needs.

lower intermediate

intermediate a

·  B1, TOEFL 42 - 72, IELTS 4.0 - 5.0
·  General English
·  One-to-One

Can understand the main points and some details on familiar matters such as school, work, leisure, etc.

Can deal with most frequently encountered situations while traveling.

Can produce simple, straight forward dialogues about famniliar topics and personal interests.

upper intermediate

intermediate  B

·  B2, TOEFL 72 - 94, IELTS 5.5 - 6.5
·  General English
·  One-to-One
·  Cambridge FCE

Can understand the main ideas of complex comrunications for a wide variety of topics, including technical or specialized ones.

Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes communication with native speakers possible without causing strain for either party.

Can produce clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects and present arguments as well as give explanations of viewpoints, offering supporting details and advantages and disadvantages.


advanced a

·  C1, TOEFL 95 - 109, IELTS 6.5 - 8.0
·  General English
·  One-to-One
·  Cambridge CAE

Can understand a wide range of long and complex texts and recognize implicit meanings.

Can express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.

Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes.

Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns. transitional phrases, and cohesi-ve devices.



·  C2, TOEFL 110 - 120, IELTS 8.0 - 9.0
·  General English
·  One-to-One

Can understand with ease almost everything heard or read.

Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accountsin a coherent presentation.

Can express ideas spontaneously, fluently, and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.

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