Eight Types Of Language Learning Styles

Eight Types Of Language Learning Styles

Identifying your language learning style is essential for effective English learning. College of English Language in Los Angeles offers customized approaches, even online, to suit diverse learning preferences.

April 2, 2024
minute read

Did you know there were different types of language learning styles? So, not only do you have to learn how to jot down notes when learning English, and find the most efficient note-taking method for you, now you need to find what your learning style is?

Yes, you do if you want to maximize your English learning efforts. In order to learn a language properly, you need to do activities suited to your language learning style. So, before you start attending English language courses in Los Angeles, try to find out what kind of language learner you are.

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There’s more to learning a language than just reading, watching videos, or attending English language courses. In order to make the most out of your attempts at learning English, you could first try to determine what type of language learner you are.

Why is this important? Because not every language learning activity is perfectly suited for every learning style. Some are more suitable for one learning style, while others are more suitable for a different learning style.

That is why determining your style of learning should be the first thing on your list. In general, there are eight learning styles that are most common among people – four perceptual, two cognitive, and two that have to do with the learner’s personality.

1. Perceptual learning styles – Four of the most common learning styles have to do with how individuals perceive the world around them, i.e. what is their “main” of the perceptive senses.

  • Visual learners – Those people with a tendency for visual learning love reading, as they enjoy seeing the words and the letters in front of them. Also, they enjoy making language connections through flashcards or photographs.
  • Auditory learners – As the name suggests, auditory learners love to learn through sound. They immensely enjoy interacting and conversing with others. They do not need to see words in writing.
  • Tactile learners – Those English language learners who have an affinity for the tactile enjoy manipulating various teaching materials while learning a language. They love what’s known as hand-on work.
  • Kinesthetic learners – These kinds of learners enjoy taking long brakes and being physically active while learning English. They don’t enjoy sitting behind desks for extended periods of time and they like to move around while learning.

2. Cognitive learning styles – There are two cognitive learning styles that can affect the way you thrive when learning English.

  • Field-dependent learners – Another name for analytic learners, these individuals like to focus all their attention on the tiny details of the language. They enjoy learning grammar rules, and they enjoy breaking down language parts into smaller ones. Because of their attention to the little details, they can fail to see the big picture when learning a language.
  • Field-independent learners – They also go by the name global learners. They do not like to get into the minutiae of English. They do not care about the inner workings of a language. They focus on the big picture, all that a language stands for, and they want to convey an idea, not worry about the impeccable grammar behind it.

3. Personality learning styles – Finally, even a learner’s personality can influence the manner of learning a language. The two language learning styles that concern personality are:

  • Reflective learners – These learners enjoy thinking about a language, pondering how they can convey their thoughts accurately, and reflecting upon their language learning efforts. They tend to make fewer mistakes, but they also tend to take longer to convey a message.
  • Impulsive learners – These learners are born to take risks when learning English. They want to speak, they want to interact, and they do not concern themselves too much with the grammar. They’re always trying out new things, they make mistakes, and learn through them.


There are quizzes, five-step question guides on how to determine what type of English language learner you are, and many other types of similar helpers. However, we do not consider any of those to be valid approaches.

First of all, you should read about the different types of language learners, and try to categorize yourself. This means no tests, no questions, no online quizzes, nothing. Sit down, think, and try to remember what kind of learning was most effective for you.

If that fails, and if you’re unable to determine your own language learning style, visit a premium language school in Los Angeles, and let the experienced professors there help you out. They know what they’re doing, and they’ll help you find out what learning methods work best for you. Anything else is a waste of time.


It doesn’t matter if you’re a visual, auditory, impulsive or field-dependent learner. At College of English Language we take individual learning preferences into account when working with our students. This helps us provide each and every one of our English language enthusiasts with exactly what they need.

We continue to do that even at these difficult times. We offer online classes that will help you learn English from the comfort of your own home. We understand that nothing is as it used to be, and that not even a visit to the La Brea Tar Pits is as enjoyable as it once was. Contact us today and let’s start learning any way we can.

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