Top Ten Strangest Words In English

Top Ten Strangest Words In English

La Jolla's College of the English Language introduces students to uncommon English words like "anachronism" and "cacophony," enhancing vocabulary and fostering linguistic sophistication for effective communication.

March 25, 2024
minute read

Do you know what propinquity means in English? You’ve probably never heard of it, have you? What about cacophony? Not really, right? Well, there are 171,146 English words in use, in addition to 47,156 outdated words. It’s not a surprise you may not be familiar with all of them, even though you’re taking classes at an English school in La Jolla, CA.

English vocabulary is vibrant and abounds with unusual words most learners aren’t aware of. So if you want to enjoy the beauty of the English lexis, we have a special gift for you. We’ve prepared a list of some of the weirdest English words to brighten your day. Read on!


Expanding your vocabulary and ironing out your spelling mistakes are essential if you want to upgrade your writing and speaking skills. The more words you know, the easier it’ll be to articulate your ideas.

But if you want to take your learning to the next level, you can also learn some less common words. They’ll make you sound more sophisticated, open doors to more complex texts, and you’ll probably be inspired to investigate their origin.

To spark your interest in weird English words, we compiled a list of ten unusual words. Check them out!


It refers to something or someone chronologically displaced. It usually means an object, person, or idea that doesn’t belong to the period of history discussed.

If we comment that a historical drama was full of anachronisms, this means that there were some ideas or items that didn’t exist at the time depicted in it.


John is bequeathing his property to David. What is John actually doing?

Well, after his death, his fortune will go to David.


This strange word means “not in control, excited, angry, crazy, etc.” It comes from ancient Norse warriors who used to fight uncontrollably.

You can use it to describe a person who can’t control him/herself because they’re overwhelmed with anger or excitement.


This lovely-sounding word means a terrible mixture of unpleasantly loud sounds. So next time you hear a band playing awful music, you can say: “What a cacophony!”


Does this word make you think of Count Dracula? Well, this word actually comes from Draco, a harsh Athenian legislator notorious for his strict code of law. This word means severe, and it’s usually used to describe laws, rules, and punishments.


This sounds like a new scientific field investigating some potent concoctions, but it actually refers to bartending. It simply means combining different drinks to make cocktails.

Next time, when you want to impress your friends with your skills, you can mix a drink for them and say you’re a mixology expert.


This word is a synonym for the word “proximity.”


She is a quintessence of feminine sensitivity.

This means she is a typical example of feminine sensitivity. This word can be handy when discussing book/movie characters with your friends.


Joseph depicted what happened to him with so much verisimilitude.

Joseph included many details in his description to make it seem authentic and reliable.


When someone annoys you by talking trivial nonsense, you can exclaim: “Why are you vexing me?”

To vex means to irritate or trouble someone.


According to the GLM, every 98 minutes, a new English word is created. Do you want to keep up with the trend and hone your English skills? Come to the College of English Language, the leading school in La Jolla and the vicinity.

Our teachers will give you all the assistance you need, and soon you’ll enjoy your free time at La Jolla Cove chatting with native speakers confidently. Call us today, and choose a course that matches your needs best. Let’s have a blast and bask in the beauty of modern Lingua Franca together!

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