English & Pets: All You Need To Know

English & Pets: All You Need To Know

In San Diego, CA, explore animals' understanding of human speech and linguistic abilities, including dogs, parrots, and great apes. Enhance your language skills with top instructors at the College of English Language near the San Diego Civic Theatre.

March 21, 2024
minute read

A unique characteristic of humans is their ability to speak. And not only that. We can learn as many languages as we want with time and effort. However, many scientists have been triggered by the idea of training animals to use and understand human language.

So if you are in San Diego, CA, with your dog, do you think it can learn the English language with you? The article below discusses the extent in which animals can comprehend human speech. Check it out!


Generally speaking, animals lack the ability to learn and use human speech as effectively as humans since human language involves the complex coordination of the tongue, lips, vocal cords, and brain.

However, some animals (such as parrots and songbirds) are capable of mimicking human words or sounds. But, these abilities are often restricted and don’t demonstrate a genuine understanding of human language.

Scientists have conducted numerous experiments to determine if animals can learn some aspects of human language, including symbolic systems and sign language. Several studies have shown that primates such as chimpanzees and bonobos can learn and use a finite number of signs. However, even though these animals were successful in their linguistic tasks, they haven’t been fully able to communicate in human language as they failed to grasp its full intricacy.


You probably noticed that your dog comes to you when called and sits down on your command. But to what extent does your dog understand you? And can it learn English? Certain studies have demonstrated that through consistent training and Pavlovian reinforcement, dogs can learn to correlate certain words and phrases with certain behaviors and actions.  

However, this doesn’t mean that your dog can comprehend complex sentences and abstract notions. Dogs heavily rely on body language, tone, and gestures to grasp human communication. They may also be taught to connect the owner’s voice tone with particular commands and emotions.

One of the most famous examples of a dog’s human language comprehension is Chaser, a border collie. Through consistent practice, she could identify and retrieve over 1,000 toys based on noun recognition. She could also infer the meanings of unknown concepts based on the process of elimination. Her owner, professor John W. Pilley, stated that Chaser showed no upper limit and that she could have learned more notions if she had had more time.


Throughout history, dogs have been bred to have a close relationship with humans and can understand and respond to human signals and commands very well. Many parrot species can imitate and understand human speech. African gray parrots are a good example. They can memorize a long list of words and use them in a familiar context.

Also, great apes (bonobos and chimpanzees) can communicate with people in a limited way via sign language or symbolic systems and convey simple meanings. However, some species showed excellence at interacting with humans. Koko was a gorilla who learned American Sign Language and enjoyed communicating with people.

She was intelligent and played tricks and told jokes to her trainers. She had a friendly relationship with humans, and it caused many scientists to believe that animals understand us more than we can possibly imagine. However, we must bear in mind that animal comprehension of human language often depends on comprehensive training and the existence of non-verbal and visual cues.


You’ve been using AI-powered tools and relied heavily on ChatGPT in your language learning journey, but have discovered that it’s not enough? You discovered a lot about language evolution but would like to have real-life experiences and get in-person feedback from experienced teachers, right? Come to the College of English Language near the San Diego Civic Theatre.

We boast the top native teachers in San Diego and vicinity, and they’ll provide constructive advice to help you progress. Call us today, choose a course that suits you best, and let’s crack English together. We’re waiting for you!

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