Four Types Of Sentences In English

Four Types Of Sentences In English

Master English sentence types at the College of English Language in California. Join us to improve your communication skills.

June 3, 2024
minute read

In our everyday communication, we usually speak in sentences. A sentence is a set of grammatically arranged words that conveys a meaningful message. It often takes a lot of practice to figure out the correct word order in sentences and start implementing the rules in your speech. This is because the word order in English is usually rigid and cannot be changed, otherwise you will either communicate a totally different meaning or sound a bit awkward.

However, armed with a lot of patience and guided by experienced native teachers from a renowned California English language school, you will eventually understand the entire logic behind the language. And your sentences will sound natural and effortless.

To additionally assist you in this mission, we have prepared a short article discussing different types of sentences in English and how to use them in your day-to-day life. Read on!

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You can use sentences to state your opinion, ask a question, or even show your surprise and give a command. Based on different functions, there are 4 types of sentences in English. Let’s see what they are and how to use them.


This type of sentence expresses an opinion or simply makes a statement. In writing, it begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. You can use all tenses in your declarative sentences and both affirmative and negative verb forms. Here are a few examples:

  • My mom cooks delicious food.
  • I can’t ride a bike.
  • She is my best friend.

Notice how these sentences sound neutral - they just provide a piece of information the speaker considers important.


An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that asks a question. It usually begins with a question word (who, what, where, when, why, how) and ends with a question mark. You can also use auxiliary verbs to start a question (yes/no questions). And you can use all tenses in these sentences too.

  • Where is my car?
  • Have you ever been to New York?
  • Who painted this beautiful picture?

An exclamatory sentence expresses a strong emotion. It can be a surprise, a shock, or even anger. When listening, you can identify an exclamatory sentence right away. The tone of the person’s voice will indicate it. But in writing, you need to use the exclamation point. Here are a few examples of exclamatory sentences:

  • What a delicious cookie!
  • She is so beautiful!
  • What a cute baby!

Since exclamatory sentences convey strong emotions, you should be careful when using them in writing. They are not appropriate for reports or academic purposes.


Imperative sentences are used to issue a command, instruction, make a request, or offer advice. These sentences also provide direction. They usually end with a period but or the exclamation point.

Let’s look at some examples and their functions.

  • Get your hands up! (Command)
  • Do your homework. (Instruction)
  • Close the window. (Request or demand)
  • Please come with me for dinner. (Invitation)

Imperative sentences typically begin with verbs as the subject is implied. The subject is the person to whom the sentence refers.

Final Notes

We generally use the declarative form to make a statement, the interrogative form to ask a question, the imperative form to issue a command, and the exclamative form to make an exclamation.

However, sometimes function and form don’t coincide, and in these cases, the intonation and punctuation are crucial. For example, we can use the declarative form to give a command—You will now help me clean the house. Or we can even ask a question with the declarative form—Bangkok is in Thailand? So, be observant and pay attention to the speaker’s tone or punctuation.


If you are looking for a partner to help you with your English, you have come to the right place! The College of English Language offers various communication-based courses in which you will learn about modals, identify English linking verbs, practice action verbs efficiently, and much more!  And all this in incredible state-of-the-art classrooms with experienced native teachers!

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