The Ten Parts Of English Speech

The Ten Parts Of English Speech

Master English grammar with our concise guide to the 10 parts of speech, and enhance your language skills at the College of English Language in California.

June 3, 2024
minute read

When learning a new language, a great place to start is by analyzing the different components of it. Understanding them can help you get a better grasp of how words are combined to create sentences and how sentences connect to one another to form speech.

The majority of languages can be broken down into 8 speech parts. English is a little more complicated in this regard, with 10 distinct parts of speech English school students in California need to learn and understand in order to truly master this language.

In order to help you strengthen your knowledge of English grammar, we have prepared a short guide on the 10 components of speech that students can use as a quick reference while practicing their grammar. Keep reading to learn more.

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To avoid confusion, it should be noted that there's some disagreement as to whether the English language has 8, 9, or 10 parts of speech. Needless to say, how you define these elements of English grammar is ultimately irrelevant for you as an English student. What matters is that you understand what they are and how to use them correctly.

Here are the 10 components of English speech:

  • Nouns are words that are used to signify a person, thing, idea, or place. Proper nouns are always capitalized, while common nouns aren't.
  • Pronouns are words used in place of nouns. The most commonly encountered pronouns in the English language are: I, You, He, She, We, They, and It.
  • Verbs define an action and as such have to be conjugated based on the pronoun and the tense.
  • Adjectives are used to describe specific nouns and further inform the listener.
  • Adverbs are like adjectives, but they're used to describe verbs rather than nouns. Many adverbs end in "ly", but not all of them.
  • Articles are a type of adjective. There are 3 articles: "a", "an", and "the", and they're used to provide more information about a common noun. In particular, they signify whether the speaker recognizes something as something specific ("the") or doesn't recognize it ("a", "an").
  • Determiners/quantifiers serve to imprecisely state how much or how many of a noun there is. They sometimes overlap with articles.
  • Prepositions describe the location of a personal or common noun.
  • Conjunctions are short words such as "but", "and", and "if" that serve to connect clauses or sentences together.
  • Interjections are words that are used to display emotion, often as an exclamation.


Take a look at this sentence: "The little boy named Tom immensely enjoyed playing in the garden, until one day he pricked his finger on a Rose bush. Ouch!"

Let's break it down according to the speech parts listed above:

  • Articles: the, a
  • Adjectives: little
  • Common nouns: boy, garden, bush, finger, day, one (number)
  • Proper nouns: Tom, Rose
  • Pronouns: he, his
  • Verbs: enjoyed, playing, pricked
  • Adverbs: immensely
  • Conjunctions: until
  • Prepositions: in, on
  • Interjections: ouch


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