Which Skills & Tools Are Necessary For Online Language Learning?

Which Skills & Tools Are Necessary For Online Language Learning?

Learn online language essentials: computer basics, time management, video conferencing, note-taking. Try College of English Language, Los Angeles, for top-notch online English classes.

April 2, 2024
minute read

Knowing how to use the tools necessary for online language learning is essential if you’re planning to succeed in the endeavor. It’s as equally important as gathering all the necessary equipment for your online classes before actually starting them.

Sure, there are major advantages to taking online language classes, and there are many tips that can help you begin learning English online, without actually being in one of the language schools in Los Angeles. But, you have to know how to do it properly first.

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If you’re thinking about attempting to learn a language online, there are some skills you should possess in order for your online language learning attempts to be a resounding success. Without them, success is questionable.

Now, we understand there are people who think the only real way to learn a language is to visit an institution, like the University of California Department of Linguistics, and that’s it. However, we beg to differ, and claim that online language learning is awesome, especially with the following skills:

  1. Computer skills - Let’s face it - you can’t learn online if you don’t possess, at least, basic computer skills. So, if you’re not familiar with computers, learn how to use them first, and then consider online language learning.
  2. Digital communication skills - Communicating online is, at the same time, both similar to and different from regular communication. There are online communication tools to master, lingo to learn… But it’s all worth it later on.
  3. Web skills - Online learning is done using the Internet, and, most of the time, web search is your friend. That is why you’ll need to learn how to search the web thoroughly and swiftly in order to maximize your online learning efforts.
  4. Time management - Online language learning can become time consuming if you let it. Or, on the other hand, your time management skills might be poor enough that you’ll end up without any free time for it. That is why knowing how to manage time well is essential.
  5. Persistence - Lastly, you need to be able to persevere through all the challenges of online language learning, be they of a technical or language nature. Don’t give up, ask the teacher for help, and succeed in spite of the hurdles!


Now that you know which skills you should possess prior to endeavoring into online language learning, let’s see what are some of the essential tools that you need to know how to use in order to be able to successfully learn a language online.

  1. Video conferencing tools - The staple of today’s online learning, there are many conferencing apps out there which you’ll find useful once you embark on your online learning journey.
  2. Note-taking software - Also, if you plan on taking notes online, as you should, you need to master the use of this type of software. Try out several options before you find one that is both user-friendly and enjoyable.
  3. Text editors - Also, there might be essays you’ll need to write, texts to edit, or anything else in between. For that, you need to be familiar with the inner workings of text editors. Luckily, there are so many options out there that you’ll have no difficulty finding a suitable one.
  4. Browsers - Also, you’ll need to perform internet research, and, for that, you need to know how to use one of the most popular browsers out there. Any one will do!
  5. Virtual classroom portals - Finally, you might end up becoming a member of a virtual classroom. These platforms are easy to use and will provide you with a neatly organized online learning environment.


Yes, we’re sure there are many language schools in LA that are keeping in step with the times and are organizing online language lessons. You’re probably spoiled for choice. However, there’s only one language school you should consider - College of English Language.

We’re the leaders in offline English learning, and we’re the leaders in online English learning. Now, when there’s no visiting the California Science Center to test your language skills, you should definitely consider taking online language lessons to keep your English in good shape. Just contact us and we’ll organize everything!

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