Is Mastering Different Speaking Skills Really That Important?

Is Mastering Different Speaking Skills Really That Important?

The College of English Language in Santa Monica offers a prime opportunity to refine essential speaking skills for effective communication and career advancement.

April 3, 2024
minute read

Conversational skills are highly necessary, and that’s a fact, be it your native language, or a second language you’re trying to learn. They include the skill of giving presentations, essential for business, the skill of speaking effectively in order to make a good impression, and the skill of speaking with confidence, in order to make a true impact with your words.

However, some people struggle with all these different aspects of conversation, and understandably so. That is why we’re answering the questions of the necessity for going to a Santa Monica language school to acquire all these different aspects of a language.

What are the types of speaking skills?

Yes, there are different speaking skills, although it may not seem so at first glance, because speaking is speaking, right? Not entirely wrong, but not entirely true either. There are some tricks, some hidden skills that every prolific speaker has managed to master, that even the UCLA Department of Linguistics considers important, and here are the most important ones.

  • Non-verbal language - It does seem odd to begin a description of the most vital speaking skills with a non-speaking ones, but trust us, non-verbal communication is just as important, especially when it comes to public speaking. Learn proper body gestures, posture, stance, and eye contact.
  • Emphasis - In order to become a more effective speaker, be it in non-formal or formal situations, you need to put emphasis on the important points you want to present.
  • Pauses - When it comes to speaking, pauses are equally important as what’s being said, as you don’t want your speaking efforts to come across as verbose.
  • Volume - Mix it up, don’t speak at the same volume all the time. By changing the volume, you’re drawing the attention of the listener at specific places in speech.
  • Organization - You want your speaking efforts to be well-organized, not just a mish-mash of this and that. Organized speech comes off as more engaging and is better received.

Why are speaking skills important?

In order to illustrate why speaking skills are, indeed, so important, here are some of the biggest reasons why.

  • Informativeness - With better speaking skills, the information you want to convey becomes a lot easier to comprehend and process.
  • Persuasion - Sometimes, you want to persuade the listener, and you cannot persuade your audience adequately if your speaking skills are not sharp.
  • Negotiation - Similar to persuasion, or perhaps persuasion is part of negotiation, if you find yourself in a business situation, good speaking skills go a long way towards making a deal.
  • Career - You cannot hope to advance up the career ladder if you do not possess the speaking skill to match your expertise. You need to be able to communicate your ideas and knowledge effectively in order to make an impression on your superordinates.
  • Satisfaction - Last, but not least, there is a lot of personal satisfaction to be taken from speaking beautifully. And, the more satisfaction you draw from your speaking, the more will your listeners hang on every word you say.

“Is there a place where I can improve my speaking skills?

Absolutely yes, and that place is called College of English Language. We are a top-notch language school in Santa Monica with the best teaching you could ask. We place great emphasis on using modern technology in teaching, and we try to make our students feel at home during each and every lesson they attend. If you’re ever strolling through Palisades Park, stop by our school and check it out. We’re sure you’ll like it, and we’ll be waiting.

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