What's Your Purpose In Studying Abroad?

What's Your Purpose In Studying Abroad?

Before selecting a destination for studying abroad, it's essential to define your learning goals and evaluate how the experience will benefit you in the future.

April 3, 2024
minute read

What’s your purpose in studying abroad? This should be the first question you should ask yourself even before selecting a destination.  Defining your learning goals and evaluating how this experience will benefit you in the future are important factors to consider.

Contrary to popular belief, choosing the destination country is not the first step. First, you should decide what goal you intend to achieve by participating in a study abroad program.  You should also consider what language you would like to learn and take into account the experience you would like to discover. For example, California is a dream destination for many students due to it’s warm and sunny weather!  Students are also free to pursue their goals when studying abroad in California while interacting with various cultures from around the world.

Only after defining your goals, you’ll be able to make crucial decisions regarding your journey abroad, such as the language you intend to study, destination country, language school, and length of stay.  Keep in mind that upon arriving to your destination, your goals may possibly change.

Studying abroad is a unique experience that should be approached with an open mind.  This kind of experience is a big investment and careful planning is highly suggested.  Specialized agencies are a great resource to use in the planning process. CEL has several partners in your country that are available to help you take the first steps to embark on this unforgettable experience!

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