How Can I Improve My Public Speaking And Presentation Skills?

How Can I Improve My Public Speaking And Presentation Skills?

College of English Language in Santa Monica offers expert guidance to refine your presentation skills.

April 3, 2024
minute read

Ah, public speaking. The dread of many, the joy of few. “Is it really that necessary for me to have public speaking skills?”, cry the public. “Must I do it?”, they implore.

We sympathize, and we understand, but it does get easier, albeit with a different set of questions. Why not ask how to become a better speaker, how to master different speaking skills, how to become a more confident speaker, and, finally, what English school in Santa Monica you can attend to do all of the above. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, as you soon shall see.

What are the skills of presentation?

When it comes to giving oral presentations, you’d be surprised with just how many skills there are, and how many you “have” to master. Even the California Department of Education greatly values presentation skills of their students. Well, let us help you by listing the most important of them, but don’t get discouraged, as it sounds more daunting than it actually is.

  • Verbal communication - As you may have guessed, knowing how to speak clearly and concisely is the most important presentation skill you have to master.
  • Delivery - You have to connect with the audience, that is, you have to know all the little tricks of the trade, such as pauses in speech and body language.
  • Leadership - You are the one who has to be in command of the audience, not the other way round.
  • Humor - Nobody likes to sit for any amount of time listening to a boring presentation. Mixing your speech up with a bit of humor goes a long way towards keeping your audience entertained.
  • Visual communication - No oral presentation feels complete without some visual aids to complement it, so make sure the visual aspect of your presentation is just as entertaining as the oral one.
  • Self awareness - All of us have weaknesses, even those most skilled at giving presentations. Play to your strengths, and avoid falling prey to your weaknesses.
  • Adaptability - No matter how much you’ve practiced, and no matter how confident you feel, unforeseen circumstances always arise. Try and be prepared for any eventuality.

How can I make my presentation better?

Ok, so you feel like you’ve mastered the basic presenting skills, but now you want to polish the finer details? Great, it means you’re improving, and that you want to improve even more. So, here are our top tips for giving flawless presentations.

  • Passion - Let the audience see just how passionate you are about the topic you’re presenting. It will inspire them.
  • Focus - Every audience is different, and every presentation is too. Focus on the needs of your current audience, and gently steer the presentation in that direction.
  • Simplicity - Never overdo it. Keep your presentation simple and on the point. Don’t go off at a tangent, as your audience will to.
  • Happiness - Smile, and show the audience you’re happy to be there, you’re happy to be speaking to all of them. This will relax them and intrigue them.
  • Strength - The most crucial bit of the presentation is the beginning, so be sure to leave a strong first impression.
  • Storytelling - Tell a story, a funny story, and watch the audience hunch forwards in expectation.
  • Ease - Try to be as relaxed as possible, and we assure you that your presentation will go off without a hitch.

How do you practice presentation skills?

When it comes to practicing presentation skills, there are some methods which have been tried and tested and which yield results. Here are five confirmed methods for you to practice presenting. Trust us, they work.

  • Rehearsing - Yes, rehearsing, who’s ever thought of that? But, do it in front of a mirror! This way, you’ll be able to perceive your facial expression as well as body language.
  • Taking notes - Whenever you feel like you’ve made a mistake, stop, and take a note of it. Later, when you’ve finished practicing, read through your notes to know what to pay attention to.
  • Experimenting - Safe zone equals boredom. For you as well as for the audience. So, every now and again try to add a new touch to your presentation, just to keep it fresh.
  • Timing - Nobody likes it when a presentation lasts too long. So, in order to prevent that from happening, time yourself every time you practice until the length is just right.
  • Recording - By hearing yourself speak, you can judge the speed, the enunciation, the tone, and the inflection, and, if something’s not to your liking, you can change it.

“Isn’t there anyone to help me practice my presentation skills?”

You’re in luck, because there is just such a place, one that places high value to the speaking skills of its students. College of English language is the finest English School in Santa Monica, and the experienced teachers who work there can train you to become a better orator than Pericles. If you want to present with the confidence of the street performers of Third Street Promenade, contact us today.

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