How Can I Become Fluent In English?

How Can I Become Fluent In English?

Fluency in English demands confidence, practice, and immersion, achievable with tips like believing in yourself, constant practice, and joining a language school such as College of English Language in Los Angeles.

April 3, 2024
minute read

Becoming a fluent speaker of any language is difficult, English included. However, it is not unattainable. Wondering if you can learn English on your own, how you can improve your communication skills, and how to perfect your reading skills is all well and good, as curiosity does lead to fluency.

But, that is only one part of it. The second part consists of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Sounds tough, doesn’t it? Well, it does, but, luckily, we’re here to offer some tips on improving fluency to all those trying to learn English in Los Angeles.

How can I learn fluent English?

We’re under the impression that fluency in a foreign language is the only aim of many, nay, all language learners. And it should be, as being a fluent speaker is, indeed, not only paramount, but plain beautiful to listen to.

However, before tackling the problem of becoming fluent, let us see what being fluent actually means, as many people are under many false impressions when it comes to language fluency. Don’t worry, we’ll soon get back to giving advice on how to become a better speaker.

What does it mean to be fluent in a language?

Let’s debunk the fluency myth, shall we? We’ll do this by listing all the greatest misconceptions about fluency, and then shattering them to the ground.

  • Accent - How can you consider yourself fluent if one can still hear your accent? Now read this again, but with the Queen’s voice, and you’ll get the idea. Acquiring a native-like accent somewhere down the line certainly is a desirable commodity, but it has nothing to do with actual fluency.
  • Mistakes - Many people think that if you want to become a fluent speaker of a foreign language, you mustn’t make mistakes. No sir. But, think about it - have you never actually made a mistake in your native language? Yeah, that’s right, a slip of the tongue happens to the best of us.
  • Vocabulary - Some think that you can only consider yourself fluent in English when you start freely throwing in words like “exacerbate” or “pertinacious”. While you should have a range of vocabulary at your disposal, nobody’s saying your language has to be Chomskian.

In reality, fluency boils down to you being confident enough while speaking a language, not making pauses in speech in order to think of the right word, not using false friends, getting your basic grammar right, and, most importantly, having the ability to speak with the natives. Anything more than that is icing on the cake.

So, how can I learn fluent English?

Tips you’re looking for, tips you’ll get!

  • Believe in it - if you get all nervous when you have to speak, chances are, you’ll participate in the subtle art of self sabotage.
  • Let your ears do the work - Without listening, without picking speech tricks up from other people, there is no apt speaking.
  • Ask questions - And put answers to good use.
  • Full sentences - Before becoming that leisurely-spoken, laconically-brisque man of mystery, you need to utter complete sentences as often as possible.
  • Leave grammar for later - First, worry about not stopping. Then, once your speech cannot be tamed, focus on correcting common grammar mistakes.
  • Practice - As you were expecting anything else as our final advice? Even the Santa Barbara Department of linguistics say you should practice a lot!

How can I improve my English speaking fluency?

Now, let’s see how to actually help yourself become a more fluent speaker with every sentence uttered.

  • Join a class - If you feel you’re plateauing on your path to perfect fluency, go to a language school in LA and attend classes.
  • Think in English - Eliminate translating from your mother tongue. It only slows you down.
  • Talk to yourself - And preferably, in front of a mirror.
  • Twist your tongue - With something classic like “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”
  • Sing - your heart out in English!
  • Phrases - not single words! Phrases carry both meaning and purpose, while words you can forget.
  • Record yourself - And then listen to your recording and jot down the things you’d like to correct.
  • Immersion - Live, breath, drink, and eat English, as often and for as long as possible.
  • Learn all the rules - And then, once you have, break them like the natives do! Who says “I’m liking it” is incorrect?

There are plenty more where these came from, but to further encumber you with more advice would be to overburden your mind and prevent your from actually becoming fluent by trying to do every single one. Don’t stop, work hard, and you’ll get there sooner that you think!

“What language school in Los Angeles can help me attain fluency?”

If fluency is what you’re after, then only the best language school in LA will suffice. Luckily, we know just the place - College of English Language! CEL in ahead of the competition for all the important reasons - the teachers are second to none, the locations splendid, and the atmosphere perfect for learning English in Los Angeles. So, if you’re ever taking a stroll down the Hollywood Walk of Fame, continue to one of our schools, we’re never too far away!

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