What Language Skills Are Key To Quick Learning?

What Language Skills Are Key To Quick Learning?

To master English quickly and effectively, attend a language school like the College of English Language in Los Angeles, CA, where you'll enhance all language skills, including listening, reading, writing, speaking, and cultural awareness.

April 8, 2024
minute read

If you’re thinking about different ways to polish your English in a hurry and work on your English alone, you should know that attending a language school in Los Angeles CA is your safest and most efficient option.

As serious as you might be about enhancing your communication skills, and as much as you’re striving to reach English fluency, you have to take it from the top and without rushing it. So, let’s first see what language skills you have to master before going at it in a jiffy.

What are the five language skills?

Yes, there are five basic language skills all of us had to learn at one point or the other, and those are the skills you’re learning on a daily basis even if you’re not aware of it. So, here they are:

  • Listening - Listening is probably the first language skill all of us become acquainted with. This is especially the case outside the classroom where you’re surrounded with songs, movies and cartoons in English. Developing your listening skills is not just about being able to understand what you’re listening to, but also about being able to take the necessary information from it.
  • Reading - Reading is an important part of learning a language and it’s among the first skills you acquire in a foreign language school.
  • Writing - As you learn a language, you learn how to use it in writing too. It might not seem as important in these modern times, but it definitely is. How can you hope to get a job without a well-composed proposal?
  • Speaking - It is learning to speak English why probably every person in the world starts learning it, and we agree, speaking is probably the most important aspect of learning a language. It allows you to communicate with different people, express your thoughts freely, and become an active member of a new community.
  • Cultural awareness - This is an aspect often overlooked when it comes to learning any language, but one that Los Angeles Education Corps strongly suggest you pay attention to. Besides learning how to speak, you have to learn how to speak in different cultural scenarios so as not to come off as impolite or uncouth.

What are the four types of reading?

When it comes to reading, not every piece of writing that ends up before your eyes will be for pleasure. Sometimes, all you need is to get the basic idea of a text while at other times. you need to carefully find the information you need. That’s why there are various reading techniques for different purposes.

  • Skimming - When you skim a text you’re trying to find out what it’s about at a basic level. That’s what people usually do when reading a newspaper or a magazine before settling down on an article of interest.
  • Scanning - Scanning means reading a piece in order to quickly find the information you want or need. You quickly jump over the sentences to get the information you’re looking for.
  • Intensive reading - This reading method is more time-consuming than the previous two as you’re approaching it with a clear idea in mind of what you want to get from the text. Intensive reading is highly beneficial to language learners as it allows them to identify unknown vocabulary and lets them deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words from the context.
  • Extensive reading - This is what we call reading for pleasure. You try to soak in as much as you can in order to enjoy the written text as much as possible. You’re not doing it because you need information, but because you like it.

How do you become fluent in a language?

Sorry to disappoint you, but you just do. There is no miracle approach that will make you fluent overnight, nor is there a mysterious method all the fluent speakers are guarding with their lives.

The secret to becoming a fluent speaker of a language is that there isn’t any. You just need to work hard, give it your all, and it will come in its own time. You can’t rush it, you can’t make it materialize out of thin air in a month or two, you can just listen to what your teachers are telling you and work, work, work. Be persistent, and you will also be fluent.

“What is the best place in Los Angeles to acquire these language skills?”

College of English Language is the Los Angeles, CA language school perfect for all your English language learning needs. Not only does it boast magnificent locations and impeccable offices, but its teaching staff is without equal in all of LA. If you frequently find yourself lost for words when shopping at Rodeo Drive, come to our language schools and we’ll teach you how to haggle in no time.

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