Will English Change & How?

Will English Change & How?

English evolves with history and technology, a topic explored in classes at La Jolla's College of the English Language, where students engage with native instructors to navigate linguistic trends and prepare for fluent communication.

March 25, 2024
minute read

All languages change over time, and English is no exception. The question is, how noticeable is this evolution, and how does the English we use today differ from how people spoke in the past? Also, what about its future: what will the English Language sound like in 100 years?

If you’re interested in the topic, you can take English language classes at a school in La Jolla, CA, and elaborate on the matter with your teachers. But until you do, check the article below as it discusses the current trends and possible changes in the present-day Lingua Franca. Read on!


Did you know that historically speaking, there are three versions of English: Old English, Middle English, and Modern English?

Old English is the first recorded form of English. Anglo-Saxon settlers brought it to Great Britain. It remained in use until Norman conquerors invaded Britain, introducing their language that heavily influenced the local tongue, creating what’s today known as Middle English.

The example below showcases how political and cultural changes shape the language people use. In recent history, the English language has become the Lingua Franca, the most coveted language around the globe. The fact that millions of people worldwide speak it can additionally accelerate its change. Non-natives tend to adjust it to suit their mentality and personal needs more.  

Now let’s examine current trends in English:

  1. The political and economic dominance of the United States led to the decline of Received Pronunciation, a Standard English accent that was once considered prestigious. Also, American English is gaining more and more popularity since most native speakers live in the United States.
  2. Since computing originated in the US, it favors US spellings of “disk” and “program: over British equivalents “disc” and “programme.” Due to US dominance in the digital world, other American preferences will be accepted, such as favorite, cookie, donut, dialog, and center.
  3. A vivid illustration of how the local population has an impact on English is Singlish: a combination of English and Singaporean. As English has a significant role in Singapore, it gets in contact with the local language, creating a unique variety of English.
  4. Another example is Spanglish. It’s a mixture of Spanish and English spoken by millions of people in the United States. These people usually grow up in bilingual families and tend to use Spanish and English words and constructions in the same sentence.
  5. Social media has a bearing impact on the language too. Written communication relies heavily on abbreviations and neologisms. People will write LOL (laughing out loud), TL, DR (too long, didn’t read), ASP (as soon as possible), wanna (want to), awesomesauce (pleasing, extremely good), etc.

Since this world is an unpredictable place, it’s hard to say what the future holds. However, we can make some predictions based on the trends that are currently in effect.

  1. Technological advances shape the world we live in and the languages we speak. New phrases will emerge with new inventions, jobs, and discoveries.
  2. The increasing number of non-natives will probably lead to new English dialects with unique lexis and grammar rules.


If you want to hone your English skills in La Jolla, you’ve come to the right place. The College of the English Language boasts native teachers who will help you understand the beauty of the language, iron out your spelling mistakes, learn exciting vocabulary, and much more.

With years of experience, our teachers use instructional methods and techniques that give the best results. Soon enough, you’ll confidently chat with your friends while hiking in Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve. Call us today, pick a course you like, and let’s have a blast learning English together!

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