Top Four English Learning Tips & Tricks

Top Four English Learning Tips & Tricks

Studying English in Santa Monica, CA? Embrace challenges with a positive mindset, set daily goals, find your learning style, and immerse yourself in English daily. Consider joining the College of English Language for structured support.

March 25, 2024
minute read

Have you been taking English classes at a Santa Monica, CA, language school for some time? What do you think of your language learning journey so far? A little bit bumpy, isn’t it?

No language is easy to perfect, and English is no exception. However, to save yourself from unnecessary stress and frustration because things may not go as smoothly as anticipated, you need to get familiar with some English-learning tricks. Want to find out more? Read on!


The top trick to mastering English is to adjust your mindset to the learning process. Therefor, before you embark on this unforgettable adventure, you must understand that it may be more challenging than anticipated.

The thing is, language is a multifaceted subject evolving all the time. The Global Language Monitor estimates that 800 to 1,000 new words are introduced to English dictionaries yearly. So how can you keep up the pace?

Well, a comprehensive approach gives the ultimate results. You can’t just keep practicing grammar, for example. You need to work on your pronunciation and intonation, get familiar with different dialects, expand your vocabulary, etc.

Here are a few valuable tips to give you some ideas.

Make an appropriate learning plan

Practicing English inconsistently is better than not practicing at all. But if you want to see results fast, you need a clever strategy.

If you’re just beginning, an English course book would be an excellent starting point. These books are leveled and contain a clearly defined educational program focusing on all aspects of English. You’ll practice reading, listening, speaking, grammar, and writing. In addition, you’ll get a bunch of real-life situations and discover some interesting information about English culture.

Other supplies you’ll need include grammar books, dictionaries, and audiobooks.

Determine what kind of a student you are

Are you a visual or an auditory type? This fact will dictate what learning approach will suit you best and what resources you’ll find particularly helpful. If you’re a visual type, you’ll need lots of flashcards to help you memorize the new vocabulary or grammar rules.

On the other hand, if you’re an auditory learner, you’ll find listening to audiobooks indispensable for absorbing new words and phrases.

Set achievable goals for every day

Of course, you can’t expect to study for hundreds of hours every week. But you can’t also hope to see the results if you only practice once a week. Consistency is crucial, so you need to make sure you reserve some time for English every day.

However, this doesn’t have to mean you have to read grammar books every day. Instead, you can choose which days are for reading and honing your grammar and which days are for watching shows in English or listening to podcasts. While doing this, you could grab a notebook to write down all phrases you think are relevant. Also, you might need a dictionary to clarify any unfamiliar words.

Be constantly exposed to the language

Be surrounded by English every day. For example, if you’ve worked on your course book, you can just watch an English show without focusing on memorizing anything. Just relax and enjoy it. Some expressions will stick to your mind, and you’ll be able to activate them later.

You can also go to an English-language country and experience the language firsthand. Thus, you’ll listen to and use English all the time. This would mean stepping out of your comfort zone and may be frightening. But after some time, you’ll get immersed in it and find pleasure in it.


Studying English on your own can take time and effort. You can sometimes lose motivation and get tense because of your unnoticeable progress. That’s why attending classes at the College of English Language in Santa Monica can improve your language learning experience.

We offer various courses specially designed to meet diverse students’ needs. On top of that, we boast high-tech classrooms in the vicinity of Palisades Park, where our native teachers will show you all the tips and tricks on how to hone your English skills. Visit us today, and get the hang of English with us!

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