Five Tips To Improve Your English Vocabulary

Five Tips To Improve Your English Vocabulary

The article provides vocabulary improvement tips and promotes the College of English Language in La Jolla as a top choice for language learning.

April 2, 2024
minute read

Mastering a foreign language isn’t exactly a walk in the park. Any language learner will tell you that it takes dedication, effort and time. When you’re taking up a new language, you should accept that there will be times when you hit a plateau or even experience a setback. However, if you’re committed to your goal and have the guidance of a skilled teacher, language learning is also fun, useful and rewarding.

Vocabulary is one of the biggest difficulties new English speakers face. Most learners lack words to express themselves precisely. If you’re experiencing the same issue, find out how to increase your English vocabulary and look for assistance at one of the English language schools in La Jolla.

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Do you often find yourself at a loss for words when you speak English? If you’re feeling frustrated and wondering if you will ever achieve English fluency, don’t worry. What you need are some tried and tested methods for vocabulary acquisition. Here are a few ideas to kick start your progress:

  • Get plenty of exposure: Whether it’s reading fiction, listening to your favorite tunes or watching Hollywood blockbusters, be around English as often as you can. U.S. Culture, Music & Games can help you pick up words without even noticing.
  • Study in context: When you try to memorize individual words, the chances are they will slip your mind very soon. Instead, focus on learning them in chunks, such as in full sentences or as part of the lyrics of a song you love.
  • Get personal: Words that hold emotional value stick in our minds for longer. Attach vocabulary to mental images that bring about an emotional response. Study words that are relevant and applicable in your daily life.
  • Make it fun: Crosswords, anagrams and vocabulary board games can all spice up the language learning process and be helpful. They’re even more amusing in a classroom setting, when played with a group of other learners.
  • Put it to use: Use new vocabulary the first time you get a chance. Dive into it without fear because mistakes are what makes you grow. Bravely engage in conversations, whether in the street or in your English class.


Do you have trouble recalling vocabulary items soon after you study them? Boost your memorization skills by trying out these tricks:

  • Organize: Keeping a notebook with the list of words you’ve studied is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Having all of the words in one place enables you to revise more easily.
  • Mnemonics: There are many memorization techniques that do wonders. For example, associate the word you wish to remember with a similar-sounding one that you already know. Connect them in one mental image.
  • Mind maps or other images: Do you sometimes forget the word but can clearly remember where it was located on the page? Most people are visual learners. Help your memory by using boxes, charts, diagrams and other visual cues.


Are you doing your best but still can’t seem to enhance your vocabulary? It may be time to turn to trustworthy language learning specialists. At College of English Language, we use a student-centered approach to guide you to language mastery. Under the instruction of our qualified teachers, you’ll let go of fear and take your language skills to the next level.

It’s simple to find us as we’re located a stone’s throw away from La Jolla Cove. Contact us today and get a step closer to learning how to communicate better at work and how to get better at public speaking in English. Take the course of your choice on our premises or online during the pandemic. We use the latest trends in language teaching to ensure your success. Speak English with ease!

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