Four Essential Supplies For English Language Students

Four Essential Supplies For English Language Students

Top language schools, like the College of English Language in Santa Monica, CA, emphasize the importance of diverse learning resources, including coursebooks, grammar books, dictionaries, and real-life materials.

March 25, 2024
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Reliable learning resources are of utmost significance for second-language acquisition. If you’ve ever taken classes in an English school in Santa Monica, CA, you’ve probably noticed the diversity of materials the teachers use there. But they don’t do it just to make the classes more exciting. This is just one reason.

Another reason is that learning a language is a multifaceted process. If you only rely on grammar books, you won’t be able to capture the pronunciation and intonation, or if you just listen to audiobooks, you won't improve your spelling. In the following article, we’ll discuss what materials you need to perfect the language. Read on!


Materials required for a successful language journey usually include the following:


The books in this category are specifically designed for language learners. They come in different levels, so students can easily find a book that meets their needs. They also follow the communicative language learning approach and provide students with vivid contexts in which the language is used.

Using these books, students work on all crucial skills: speaking, reading, listening, and writing. They also get a clear and easy-to-follow plan, plenty of speaking, grammar, and vocabulary exercises, and listening and reading comprehension tasks.

These books usually deal with exciting topics and introduce students to the history and culture of the people speaking their target language.

Tip: Coursebooks will be an ideal starting point if you’ve just begun honing your English skills.


Grammar books are an essential language-learning tool as they provide all the grammatical nuances. In addition, they usually contain extensive explanations of particular rules and a plethora of exercises.

Tip: A grammar book should complement your coursebook to provide a better insight into the dynamic of the language.


A high-quality dictionary is indispensable as it provides the meaning of the words. If you’re new to English, a bilingual dictionary might be more convenient for you as it gives the translation, and you may need help understanding the definitions in a monolingual dictionary.

But as soon as you acquire a certain number of words and grammar rules, you should always resort to a monolingual dictionary too. Here, you’ll get the definition(s) of the word, the pronunciation,  and multiple examples of how to use it.

With the advent of the Internet, there are many online dictionaries that are super convenient to use. You just need to type in the word, click “search,” and get a lot of valuable information (numerous definitions, colorful examples, and pronunciation).

Regarding pronunciation, you can choose whether you want British or American English. This can help you understand how English differs around the world.


Every language needs to be practiced in real-life contexts. Even if you’re not lucky enough to live in an English-speaking country, you can still use various resources to help you hone your skills.

Audiobooks are excellent for pronunciation and lexis practice. You can listen to them on a bus, for example.

Novels provide you with vivid instances of how the language is used creatively. You can pick up grammar complexities, advanced vocabulary, and idioms and better grasp the culture.

TV shows are your door to the English-speaking world. You can absorb intricacies such as various accents, intonation, and real-life language usage.


Ideally, you should combine these different resources while practicing and take advantage of the Internet. Many of them are available online.

However, a teacher’s guidance is crucial as they can guide you in your language-learning adventure and provide invaluable feedback necessary for further progress.


If you’re overwhelmed with all English-learning materials and don’t know where to start, come to the College of English Language in the vicinity of Santa Monica Pier.

Our experienced teachers will provide all the necessary support, and you’ll feel safe and ready to give your best to get the hang of one of the most popular languages of the day. Drop by today, and we’ll help you choose a course that suits you best. We’re waiting for you!

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