Transición del aprendizaje de idiomas a la preparación universitaria con nuestro programa de transición. Estudiarás en los EE. UU. y adquirirás competencia lingüística y una base académica para el éxito en la educación superior. ¡Nos aseguramos de que estés completamente preparado para sobresalir en los estudios universitarios!

Dream Big

higher education
in the us

¡Explora 4 Rutas Únicas hacia
el Éxito Universitario con CEL!

Semestre en el Extranjero
  • Sumérgete en el sistema educativo de EE. UU.
  • Descubre la vida universitaria en USA
  • Gain a highlight for your CV
All levels
Programas de Certificado
  • Study 2 semesters- obtain a certificate
  • Paid work for up to 1 year in your field of study (OPT)
  • Boost your career through international experience
All levels
Programas de Pregrado
  • Directly at university or
  • Start at a college and finish with a degree from a university (2+2 years)
  • Obtain a bachelor from a US university
All levels
Programas de Posgrado
  • Specialize and enhance your expertise
  • Build up an international network
  • Obtain a Master from a US university
All levels

Your Pathway
Journey Begins Here

Choose from over



Optional Practical
Training (OPT):

Launching Your
Career in the United States

Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a great chance for international students in the United States to gain practical work experience related to their field of study. OPT lets students apply knowledge they gained in the classroom to a professional work setting. It gives them valuable hands-on experience and makes their future career prospects better.

Key Benefits of OPT:

Professional Development

OPT helps students to get valuable insights about their chosen field, develop practical skills, and use what they learn in real-world settings. This experience not only enriches their academic journey but also prepares them for future career.

Job Opportunities

OPT allows international students to work legally in the United States for a specified period. (The period is usually up to 12 months after they finish their academic program.) This gives students chances to explore different career paths, learn about the U.S. job market, and make professional connection.

Practical Experience

Talking part in OPT provides students with opportunity to work in positions related to their field of study. It helps them to get real-world experience and improve their resume. Whether it's internships, co-op programs, or full-time jobs, OPT offers students the chance to apply classroom knowledge to real-world tasks.

Post-Graduate Transition

For international students, OPT facilitate a smooth transition from students status to the workforce. It can lead to full-time employment opportunities, sponsorship for work visas, and long-term career growth in the USA.

It's crucial for students to know the qualification, application process, and regulations governing OPT. Our experienced team is ready to provide guidance and support throughout the OPT application process. We make sure students make the most of their chances for success.

Unlock Your
Academic Potential:

Why Begin with a
CEL Pathway Program?

Language Proficiency Foundation
Build a strong English language foundation for academic success by understanding and communicating effectively in university-level coursework.
Cultural Integration
Adjust to the local culture and educational system to make a transition into college/university life smoother. Create a perfect learning environment. 
Personalized Academic Support
Get personalized guidance and support from experienced teachers. They are experts in helping you with language challenges, improving your learning outcomes and confidence.
Pathway to Success
Get access to specialized curriculum and resources designed to prepare students for university studies. We provide structured pathway towards achieving academic goals.

Your Guide to
US Higher Education

Explore the wide range of US higher education, from community colleges offering two-year programs to universities providing comprehensive undergraduate and graduate studies. Get help from our expert with admissions, financial aid, and campus life, excelling in your academic journey.

Student Experiences

Read what our satisfied students have to say
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