My Fourth Experience Abroad By Edna Santiago

My Fourth Experience Abroad By Edna Santiago

Brazilian traveler Edna Santiago praises her study abroad experience in San Diego, highlighting favorite activities like exploring the city and enjoying sunsets, while cherishing friendships at CEL.

June 3, 2024
minute read

Hi, my name is Edna Santiago and I’m from Brazil. This is my fourth time studying abroad - Boston, Toronto, Chicago and San Diego. I can tell you that there’s no age limit to start following your dreams. I also can’t thank my travel agency enough, they are extremely professional and amazing!

This time was a very interesting way to choose my destination, because I had barely heard about San Diego before, because when you think about California, L.A. and San Francisco always come to your mind. So, when I was planning my vacation (every year in a different place) and choosing the place, San Diego caught my eye because it's a beautiful city and "a little bit" cheaper than the others.

My favorite things to do in San Diego were definitely to walk on the fantastic streets, run around the harbor, take a trolley and go to the Mexico border (I had a huge curiosity about "the wall") and watch the fantastic sunset while drinking a cup of coffee. And visit the beaches, of course, despite the fact that I'm not into beaches so much. I would definitely recommend the Harbor and Coronado Beach. To eat, well, I recommend blueberry muffins! I will also miss our coffee time after lunch, my amazing house, my friends, my English classes and the Pacific Ocean.

I met wonderful people at CEL and they are the best thing about San Diego, in my opinion. The teachers are awesome! The  environment is cozy and friendly. Bean bags scattered along the floor in the common area are a great idea.

Overall my experience was outstanding! Everything was excelent!

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