California Packing List | California Is A Great Idea!

California Packing List | California Is A Great Idea!

California offers diversity, fresh produce, vibrant festivals, a relaxed lifestyle, iconic burger joints like In-n-Out, renowned Mexican cuisine, abundant avocados, and snow sports in its mountain regions.

June 3, 2024
minute read

1. If you love nature you’ll love California.

Oh gosh, where to start? Yosemite, Tahoe, the massive forests, Death Valley, Sequoia and Joshua Tree National Park, Palm Springs, Napa, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Malibu, Santa Catalina Island, Big Bear Lake, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Carmel, Santa Monica, Monterey, Santa Barbara, San Diego….

2. Californians Know Everything About Fresh Produce

Believe it or not, California is big on agriculture and farming. We get amazing vegetables and fruit, the best artichokes you’ll ever find, and some pretty high quality meats as well. Our farmers markets are often huge, varied, and more like a food festival than a weekly shopping trip. Just prepare to be spoiled rotten from the fresh produce!

3. Diversity and Lifestyle

People from all walks of life, all ethnicities, and all genders call California home. What’s even more impressive, is that the state values acceptance and welcomes everyone for who they are. You’ll never find a more inclusive state. Californians live a truly different lifestyle. They live organically, advocate for acceptance, strive for greatness, and they make dreams come true.

4. There Is Literally A Festival For Everything

Californians love festivals. Maybe it’s that we have better weather here, so it’s easier to have them. From renaissance festivals, cultural, wine to internet cat festivals, we’ll celebrate just about anything imaginable.
If you like craft beer, this is definitely the right place to be. With nearly 500 breweries statewide, it’s safe to say that the craft beer movement isn’t just booming in California, it’s BOOMING

5. From Bulking Up To Slimming Down, It’s Absurdly Easy To Get Healthy Here

If you want a healthier diet or lifestyle, California makes it easy. There are plenty of vegan, vegetarian, and specialty restaurants, as well as health food stores, and gyms and yoga studios galore. And if you’d rather jog, most places have superb hiking trails or just go to the beach and jog on the sand or the boulevard.

6. Casual Friday Is An Every Day Sort Of Thing

You know what CA tech company employees never say? “Boy, I can’t decide which tie to wear to work today.” In general, in any part of CA, office attire tends to be much more relaxed. Even if there’s some form of dress code, you probably will never need to own a full suit in this state unless you want to. Even in the rare moments it does rain, you’ll always find someone in shorts and sandals.

7. In-n-Out Isn’t Just A Burger, It’s A Way Of Life

Just a burger? You’ve got to be kidding. In-n-Out is a must-try for anyone visiting and locals love it. They keep their menu classic and they do it well. Besides, who wants to pass up ordering off the secret menu? Animal Style, Veggie Style, and 4 x 4, just to name a few secret menu orders.

8. California Does Mexican Food Right

We’re not talking Taco Bell here. The Mexican restaurants here are to die for, the best in the nation. Getting progressively better the closer to the border you get. Heck, even our roadside food trucks and taco stands put most other states to shame.

9. Avocados. Avocados Everywhere

Remember that produce thing? Well, there’s one thing we seem to grow and use in abundance, and that’s avocados. In sushi, salads, and even in burgers, you’ll find Avocado on every menu. And yes, we know avocados cost extra!

10. Yes, California Does Actually Get Snow

The mountain regions of California are great for skiing. Ski towns include Tahoe, Yosemite, Big Bear, Mammoth Mountain, Squaw Valley...the list goes on and on. And what’s more, is that a lot of people go seek out the snow every year for fun and really love the stuff. The weather is amazing here, better than just about anywhere else, but there’s so much variety that just about everyone has made a snow angel at some point.

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