Your new home in


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Managed by cel
Managed by cel
Managed by cel
Verschiedene Unterkunftsoptionen

Our CEL residence is located in the heart of San Diego’s most popular beach Pacific Beach, and it reflects the relaxed surf and beach culture in this area.

Reinigung durch CEL

Experience individualized attention and a fun learning setting. This means more chances to concentrate on improving your language skills.

WG Gemeinschaft für lebenslange Freundschaften

Experience cutting-edge language education in our state-of-the-art classrooms, to enhance your learning with interactive and dynamic resources.

Nutze Pool und BBQ mit deinen neuen Freunden

Tailor your language learning journey with our diverse range of programs designed to meet the needs of learners of all ages and proficiency levels.

Nah zur Schule

Combine language learning with the thrill of catching waves at one of California's premier surfing destinations.

Baue lebenslange Beziehungen zu deiner Gastfamilie auf

Combine language learning with the thrill of catching waves at one of California's premier surfing destinations.

Was Unsere

Schüler sAgen

unsere unterkūnfte

wAs Unsere Schüler Sagen

Lese über die Erfahrungen unserer Schüler
Andrea, Italy
San Diego Pacific Beach

I've met so many people from all over the world, and I'm really happy now that I have friends from Brazil, Japan, Europe, the US, Mexico, and more. It's amazing to be able to travel the world without having to pay for accommodation!

Juliana, Brazil
San Diego Pacific Beach

Living with my Japanese roommate like a sister was an amazing experience. Even after she moved back to her hometown, we still share our daily routines with each other. During my time here, I made valuable friendships with people from different countries. It was an amazing experience!

Liam, Switzerland
San Diego Pacific Beach

They included me in everything, taught me how to surf, and we did a lot of cool activities together - it was the best experience being with them like a family... I had so much fun!

Vitoria, Brazil
Los Angeles Santa Monica

Meeting people from all over the world has had an amazing impact on me. It has broadened my understanding of different cultures and given me the opportunity to make friends from all over the world.

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