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Learning English: Can I Do It On My Own?

Learning English: Can I Do It On My Own?

Attending a private language school like College of English Language in Los Angeles offers a more comprehensive learning experience compared to learning a language alone.

June 3, 2024
minute read

It’s not about the feasibility of learning a language on your own, it’s more about the other questions, like “Can I become fluent in English on my own?”, or “Can I improve my second language skills alone?”, and “Can I acquire the most important foreign language skills without anyone’s help?”.

But, the two most important questions you can ask yourself are to what extent you can actually learn any language going at it alone, and whether you really want to do so. Learning a language is supposed to be fun, not just useful, and what better way to learn English in California than at a private school, alongside peers? But, in case you still don’t wish company, let’s see if you can do it alone.

Can I learn English by myself?

You can and you can’t. Now, we don’t mean to sound cryptic, philosophical, or just plain ostentatious with our deep knowledge of language learning. We’re trying to be as honest as possible, and you’ll see why.

Learning a language is unlike learning anything else. For example, if you want to learn maths, you sit behind your computer, you find equations, explanations, rules and procedures, and you learn them. Then, you try to solve a problem and see how it goes.

With language, it’s rather a different story. You can find all the rules you want, all the tenses, every irregular verb, curious noun, peculiar adverb and interesting preposition, learn them, and still fail at putting them to good use. Why is that?

It’s because language is a living and breathing thing. When learning a language, you don’t simply learn the rules in order to know them, you learn the rules of the language in order to speak it or write it. And that’s a lot different than solving mathematical equations.

That is the main reason why there are constant efforts at the California Department of Education to think of new methods to facilitate language learning, and why techniques for language learning are so rapidly evolving.

Plus, learning a language on your own can only get you so far. You can learn this and that, probably take in the basics of communication, but for everything else, you need a teacher, a class, and classmates. Which brings us to our next part.

How can I learn basic English?

Learning basic English does sound, well, basic, easy, and definitely something you can do from the comfort of your own home. But, there’s more to basic English. It is the foundation of all your later English-learning endeavors, and, as a foundation, it should be strong, sturdy and, most of all, correct.

That is why you should, even when just starting to learn a new language, think about visiting a private language school. It is no way unnecessary as some may think. A good teacher will properly teach you all of the language basics you need, thus providing a solid base for what is to come.

However, if you still feel like you can master the basics on your own, we’ll do our best to help you on your path. Here are the most important aspects to pay attention to when beginning to learn a new language.

  • Grammar is important - In the beginning, you have to know the basic grammar rules, in order to know how you can construct a sentence.
  • But don’t let it hamper your progress - It is important, but you’ll pick it up better along the way. Don’t let silly little grammar mistakes slow your progress.
  • Study everyday - The best way to constantly improve is to nurture continuity and perseverance.
  • A word a day - Learn a new piece of vocabulary every day.
  • Be active - And proactive. Everything you learn you have to use, be it by writing or by speaking.
  • The Internet is your friend - Browse the Internet every day, not just for free lessons and grammar tips, but for chatting, reading, listening, and, why not, speaking.
  • Immersion - Surround yourself with the language you’re trying to learn. Change your smartphone language, use subtitles in that language, and listen to music as much as possible.
  • Keep at it - Don’t stop just because you think you’re not making progress. You are, you just can’t see it on your own.
  • Be brave - And try to use the language as much as possible, no matter the mistakes.
  • Find help - If it becomes too much, no shame in asking for help. Find a good private school and continue your efforts.

“I want to attend the finest private language school in Los Angeles!”

If you’re keen on learning English in California the right way, then you need a good language school. Luckily, College of English Language is here, the best private school in all of Los Angeles. We have great teachers, excellent locations and facilities, and we foster a pleasant learning environment. So, instead of visiting Universal Studios Hollywood today, pay us a visit instead and see just how good we are!

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