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Easy And Fun Ways To Learn English Language Faster

Easy And Fun Ways To Learn English Language Faster

CEL San Diego provides dynamic English courses incorporating engaging activities like music, karaoke, movies, Scrabble, conversation practice, jokes, eavesdropping, and video games for an enjoyable and effective learning journey.

June 3, 2024
minute read

Looking up the finest among San Diego language schools, and finding the best English courses they offer is the first and most important step. Plus, you really do need to pay attention to the reasons for your learning English in San Diego, to know what to look for in a course, ask the right questions before enrolling, and know the details to look out for when choosing an English language school for you.

If you’re really serious about it, you should try learning in your spare time too. But not in a dull way. Learning a language should be interesting, so here are some fun ways to polish your language some more once the lessons are over.

Add music to your routine

Music in English, mind you. You’d be amazed how much simply exposing yourself to a language you are trying to learn can drastically improve your efforts. Try to listen to the lyrics to, figure out what they mean, and remember any unknown words in order to look them up later. Once you come home from one of the best English courses in San Diego, play some tunes, just to keep yourself in form.

Go karaoke singing

Who says you need to stop at just passively listening to music and soaking it up? Go, perform, grab the mike and never let go! Karaoke is an amazing way to improve your pronunciation, and it’s all the more interesting with a beat behind it.

You’ll read the lyrics, sing them out, and even catch the nuances of slowly softening up your language speaking with this engaging activity. Best English courses contain pronunciation lessons, but karaoke takes it to a whole other level. Who knows, perhaps you have a hidden talent.

Scrabble away

Besides pronunciation exercises, best English courses usually incorporate various board games in English to further hone the language skills of their student. And, there’s no better game for it than Scrabble. You’ll practice the all-important spelling, learn new words, and, most importantly, have loads of fun doing it with friends.

Watching movies is a must

And never without subtitles! Yes, listening to the language is hugely beneficial, but you’re already doing it with music. When it comes to watching movies in English, always turn the English subtitles on. The advantages are twofold – not only will you listen to the language of real-life situations, but you will also read the subtitles, greatly improving your spelling and word acquisition.

Pick a conversation partner at one of the best English courses you’re attending

Nothing can replace actual conversation when it comes to learning a language, and English is no exception. Ask somebody from your language course to converse with when the lesson is over.

You can correct each other’s mistakes, eliminate the fear of speaking, and improve fluency. And, once you’ve freed yourself from all the constraints, try to find a native speaker to talk to on a regular basis to perfect your language.

Read some English jokes

So, when it comes to improving your language proficiency, there are better ways that this to do it. However, each culture shares specific customs, modes of behavior, and humor. You don’t want to cross an imaginary line when joking around with a native from another culture.

Reading jokes will help the acculturation process, and perhaps even teach you some idioms, phrasal verbs, and slang. It is only an added bonus that you can make the teacher of the best English courses laugh along the way.


But not in a creepy way! Just… pay attention to the natives speaking among themselves. This will give you the perfect idea of what everyday language sounds like, and prepare you for all the real-world interaction that awaits.

Play video games

It’s incredible how much wonder video games can do for your language learning process, especially the online ones. There’s in-game text to read, instructions to understand, missions to do, problems to solve… It’s like an all-encompassing language course wrapped in fun.

Plus, if you plan on playing an online game, the communication between players is as organic and unhinged as it can be, albeit virtual. You can choose to type or VOIP, and rid yourself of any speaking troubles you might possess. Video games are usually not part of the best English courses, so it is a great supplement to them.

Want the best of the best English courses? You’re at the right place

The College of English language in San Diego is one of the finest, if not the finest English school in the area. We do everything in our power to teach those who come to us, and teach them well.

Our teachers are highly professional and skilled, our offices are modern and pleasant, and the locations of our schools unmatched. Plus, we like to have fun along the process as well. So, if it fun and easy learning you want, CEL is what you need. Come to our offices today, and see what course fits your needs!

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